Tag Archives: Monitoring

Docker Monitoring

Docker Monitoring
Docker Node Exporter Dashboard

Many of our applications and services run as Docker containers. Our monitoring dashboard solution covers two aspects of Docker container performance:

These data collectors enable several Grafana dashboards that help us to manage our Docker cluster.

Monitoring Setup

We run a combination of Node Exporter and cAdvisor on each Docker host VMs. These containers scrape data for our Docker hosts and feed it to the Prometheus instance in our Docker stack.

The following video explains how all of this is set up –

Setting up Docker Server Monitoring – Node Explorer and cAdvisor


We are using several dashboards to implement our Docker monitoring solution.

Docker Node Summary

Docker Monitoring
Docker Host Summary Dashboard

We are using a modified version of the Grafana Dashboard above to monitor the overall performance of our Docker nodes.

Docker Node Details

Docker Monitoring
Docker Host Details

We are using a modified version of the Grafana Dashboard above to monitor and enable drilling into detailed performance metrics for our Docker nodes.

Docker Container Summary

Docker Monitoring
Docker Container Summary Dashboard

We are using a modified version of the Grafana Dashboard above to monitor and enable a summary view of the containers in our Docker cluster.

Docker Container Details

Docker Monitoring
Docker Container Details Dashboard

We are using a modified version of the Grafana Dashboard above to monitor and enable drilling into the detailed performance of containers in our Docker cluster.

Windows VM Dashboard

Windows VM Dashboard
Windows VM Dashboard

We are using a modified version of the Grafana Dashboard above to monitor and enable drilling into the performance of Windows VMs in our Docker cluster.

Proxmox Monitoring

Proxmox Cluster Metrics - Proxmox Monitoring
Proxmox Cluster Metrics

We set up a Grafana Dashboard to implement Proxmox Monitoring. The main components in our monitoring stack include:

The following sections cover the setup and configuration of our monitoring stack.

Proxmox Monitoring Setup

The following video explains how to set up a Grafana dashboard for Proxmox. This installation uses the monitoring function built into Proxmox to feed data to Influx DB.

And here is a video that explains setting up self-signed certificates –

Configuring Self-Signed Certificates

We are using the Proxmox [Flux] dashboard with our setup.

Grafana Logging and Monitoring

Grafana Logging and Monitoring

We’ve added a Grafana Monitoring and Logging system to our Home Lab. The system is based on Grafana, Prometheus, Grafana Loki, Promtail, Telegraf, and InFlux DB.


The following video covers the installation of our Grafana Monitoring and Logging monitoring stack.

Setup Logging and Monitoring in Docker

Configure Loki and Promtail

Grafana Lofi and Promtail work together to scape and store log data. These tools can scrape docker data and accept syslog data as well. The following video explains how to configure Loki and Promtail.

Configure Grafana Loki and Promtail for logs

There are a few details that we needed to do differently than the video:

  • We had to configure a tsdb schema for Loki
  • The links for configuring the Loki Docker driver can be found here and here.
  • Set parameters in the Loki Docker driver via /etc/docker/daemon.json to avoid blocking the Docker.
  • Recreating containers with Portainer does not enable Lofi to access their logs. To make this work, we needed to use docker compose up -d –force-recreate

The contents of /etc/docker/daemon.json are as follows:

  "log-driver": "loki",
  "log-opts": {
     "loki-url": "http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push",
      "loki-batch-size": "400",
      "loki-retries": "2",
      "loki-max-backoff": "800ms",
      "loki-timeout": "1s",
      "keep-file": "true",
      "mode": "non-blocking"


We have configured a combination of Loki and Promtail to accept Syslog events. Promtail does not support Syslog events using the UDP protocol. To solve this problem, we set up rsyslog running under the Ubuntu system, which hosts the Promtail Docker container, to consolidate and forward all Syslog events as a front end to Promtail. Information on configuring rsyslog as a front end to Promtail can be found here.

Monitoring Dashboards

The following video provides some information on configuring dashboards and other monitoring capabilities.

Create and Configure Grafana Dashboards

Uptime Kuma

Uptime Kuma

As our Home Lab and the associated network become more complex, monitoring the operational status of our services and equipment becomes essential. We use a tool called Uptime Kuma to monitor the operational status of our home lab. This tool can monitor many different kinds of equipment and services and provides various mechanisms to notify us when a service is down.

Uptime Kuma Docker Install

We deployed this tool as a docker container in our Docker cluster. It is easy to install and configure. We used the following video to help with the installation –

Docker Install

Performance and Backups

The tool’s database is sensitive to the volume store used to contain its database. For this reason, we bound Uptime Kuma’s present volume to storage inside the Docker Host VM instead of using our high-availability network store.

We also used the root crontab to back the local VM configuration data to the docker volume on our high-availability store as follows:

# Backup local VM configuration for uptime kuma
# to HA docker volume
*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync -r --delete \
    /home/ubuntu/uptime-kuma/ \