Samba File Server

Samba File Serve
Samba File Serve

We have quite a bit of high-speed SSD storage available on the pve1 server in our Proxmox cluster. We made this storage available as a NAS drive using the Turnkey File Server.

Installing the Turkey File Server

We installed the Turnkey File Server in an LXC container that runs on our pve1 storage. This LSC will not be movable as it will be associated with SSD disks that are only available on pve1. The first step is to create a ZFS file system (zfsb) on pve1 to hold the LXC boot drive and storage.

The video below explains the procedure used to set up the File Server LXC and configure Samba shares.

The LXC container for our File Server was created with the following parameters –

  • 2 CPUs
  • 1 GB Memory
  • 8 GB Boot Disk in zfsb_mp
  • 8 TB Share Disk in zfsb_mp (mounted as /mnt/shares with PBS backups enabled.)
  • High-speed Services Network, VLAN Tab=10
  • The container is unprivileged

File Server LXC Configuration

The following steps were performed to configure our File Server –

  • Set the system name to nas-10
  • Configured postfix to forward email
  • Set the timezone
  • Install standard tools
  • Updated the system via apt update && apt upgrade
  • Installed SSL certificates using a variation of the procedures here and here.
  • Setup Samba users, groups, and shares per the video above


Our strategy for backing up our file server is to run a Rsync job via the Cron inside the host LXC container. The Rsync copies the contents of our file shares to one of our NAS drives. The NAS drive then implements a 1-2-3 Backup Strategy for our data.

Anita's and Fred's Home Lab

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