Category Archives: VMs and LXCs

Information related to Virtual Machines and LXC Containers

Ubuntu Server VM Template

It is common to need to create Ubuntu Server VMs to host various applications. To facilitate the creation of such VMs, we’ve created a Proxmox template using the procedure in this video: Create VM Template Including Cloud-Init

The template can be used to create the VMs to support Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and other applications running on Ubuntu Server. The QEMU Guest Agent should also installed on each VM after they have been cloned via the template.

Linux Desktop Virtual Machines

Ubuntu Desktop - Linux Desktop Virtual Machine
Ubuntu Desktop

Several Ubuntu Linux desktop VMs support general-purpose desktop applications and our DXalarm Clocks. The following steps create the base VMs for these applications.

VM Install

The VMs are created as follows:

  • Image – Ubuntu Desktop download from here.
  • CPUs – 4
  • Memory – 4096 MB, Balloning = off
  • Network – LS Services, VLAN 10
  • Disk – 32 GB, SSD, Discard = on, Cache = Write through
  • QEMU Agent – Installed via apt install quemu-guest-agent && systemctl start qemu-guest-agent

The CPU and Memory parameters are chosen to be on the high side for most applications. This enables a quick installation and setup of the resulting VM. These parameters can be adjusted lower to match the actual workload for each provisioned VM.

Run the Ubuntu installer on the initial boot as follows:

  • US English
  • Normal Installation, Download Updates while installing
  • Erase Disk and Install Ubuntu
  • Timezone = New York, Automatic Timezone, AM/PM Time Format
  • Set computer name and login credentials

I also installed SSH access for all logins. The procedure for doing this can be found here.

Next was a few post-setup configuration steps:

  • Dark Style
  • Set Desktop Wallpaper
  • Setup Remote Desktop and VNC Sharing

Finally, we installed the following via the Ubuntu Software apps:

  • Extension Manager
  • Allow Locked Remote Desktop via Extension Manager (by name search)

E-mail Forwarding

Outbound e-mail is set up via nullmailer using the procedure outlined here.

# Run this as root
sudo bash

# Install nullmailer and mail apps
apt-get install nullmailer mailutils

# Move to the nullmailer directory
cd /etc/nullmailer

# Create configuration files
vi defaultdomain

vi adminaddr

# This file sets up TLS access to smtp2go
sudo vi /etc/remotes
... smtp --port=587 --starttls --user=<my smtp2go login ID> --pass=<my stmp2go password>

# The next three steps are important!
chmod 644 defaultdomain adminaddr
chmod 600 remotes
chown mail:mail defaultdomain adminaddr remotes

# Check status of nullmailer
service nullmailer status

# Send a test e-mail
mailx -s "Test e-mail via nullmailer MTA" <email address>

Sound Through Remote Desktop Client

The xRDP extensions enable sound from our Ubuntu VMs via Remote Desktop. The procedure to install the necessary extensions in Ubuntu VMs can be found here.

The steps are as follows:

# Must run these commands as normal user, not root
su - fkemmerer

# Download script, unzip it, & make it exeutable
chmod +x

# Must use -s to install sound drivers
./ -s

# Shutdown machine, then reboot
sudo shutdown


Installed the following applications

  • Chrome & associated apps
  • VLC Player

Install the Python IDE interface as follows:

sudo apt install idle

Template Conversion and Use

The fully set up VM has been converted to a template. The template can you used to create Ubuntu Desktop VMs using the following steps:

  • Clone (unlinked clone is preferred) the template to a VM
  • Edit /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname to set the system name for the new VM
  • Add the new VM to the Backup and HA configurations


Windows Virtual Machines

One of our Homelab environment’s goals is to run our Windows desktop OSs on virtual machines. This enables us to get at standard OS environments such as Microsoft Windows easily from a web browser.

Windows Virtual Machine Setup

We use the following procedure to set up our Windows VMs –

The following ISO images are downloaded to the PVE-templates Share on our Proxmox cluster –

Each Windows VM is created with the following options (all other choices used the defaults) –

  • Name the VM windows-<macoine name>
  • Use the Windows 10 desktop ISO image.
  • Add an additional drive for the VirtIO drivers and use the Windows VirtIO Driver ISO image.
  • The Type/Version is set to Microsoft Windows 10.
  • Check the Qemu Agent option (we’ll install this later).
  • Set the SCSI Controller to VirtIO SCSI.
  • Use PVE-storage and create a 128 GB disk
  • Set Discard and SSD Emulation options
  • Set Cache to Write Back
  • Allocate 4 CPU Cores
  • Allocate 16 GB of Memory/minimum 4 GB Memory / Ballooning Device enabled
  • Run on HS Services Network, use Intel E1000 NIC, set VLAN Tag to 10

Start the VM and install Windows. Some notes include –

  • Enter the Windows 10 Pro product key
  • Use the Windows Driver disk to load a driver for the disk
  • Once Windows is up, use Windows Driver disk to install drivers for devices that did not install automatically. You can find the correct driver by searching for drivers from the root of the Windows Driver disk.
  • Install the qemu guest agent from the Windows Driver disk. It’s in the guest agent directory.
  • Set the Computer name, Workgroup, and Domain name for the VM.
  • Do a Windows update and install all updates next.

Setup Windows applications as follows –

  • Install Chrome browser
  • Install Dashlane password manager
  • Install Dropbox and Synology Drive
  • Install Start10
  • Install Directory Opus File Manager
  • Install PDF Viewer
  • Install Printers
  • Install media tools, VLC Player, and QuickTime Player
  • Install Network utilities, WebSSH
  • Install windows gadgets
  • Install DXlab, tqsl, etc.
  • Install Microsoft Office and Outlook
  • Install SmartSDR
  • Install WSJT-X, JTDX, JTalert
  • Install PSTRotator, Amplifer app
  • Install RealVNC
  • Install Benchmarks (Disk, Graphics, Geekbench)
  • Install Folding at Home
  • Need a sound driver for audio (Windows Remote Desktop or RealVNC).

Docker in an LXC Container

Using this procedure, we set up docker using the Turnkey Core LXC container (Debian Linux). The container is created with the following resources:

  • 4 CPUs
  • 4096 KB Memory
  • 8 GB SSD Storage (Shared PVE-storage)
  • LS Services Network

Portainer Edge Agent

We will manage docker using the Portainer instance on one of our NAS drives.

Portainer Management Interface
Portainer Management Interface

This is done via the Portainer Edge Agent. The steps to install the Portainer Edge Agent are as follows:

  1. Create a new environment on the Portainer Host
    • Select and use the Portainer edge agent choice
  2. Carefully copy the EDGE_ID and  the EDGE_KEY fields into the script in the next step that is used to spin up the edge agent
  3. Install the Portainer Edge Agent on the  docker container as follows:
docker run -d \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /var/lib/docker/volumes:/var/lib/docker/volumes \
-v /:/host \
-v portainer_agent_data:/data \
--restart always \
-e EDGE=1 \
-e EDGE_ID=<replace with id from portainer> \
-e EDGE_KEY=<replace with key from portainer> \
--name portainer_edge_agent \

Mail Forwarding

More work needs to be done here. Here’s some information to help get started –

WordPress in an LXC Container

We’ve set up several Proxmox LXC containers to host several WordPress sites on our server. LXC containers are more efficient in terms of server resource utilization. You can learn more about Proxmox LXC containers vs. Virtual Machines here. We went through the following steps to set this up.

WordPress Container

The setup uses the WordPress LXC container from Turnkey Linux. This lightweight Debian Linux environment uses MariaDB and Apache2 to complete the LAMP stack. I followed the following YouTube video to complete the installation –

Once the container was set up, I set the timezone for Debian as follows:

# timedatectl set-timezone "America/New_York"

Next, I updated the Debian installation via the following:

# apt update && apt upgrade

I also installed nslookup and apt-utils via the following:

# apt-get install dnsutils
# apt-get install apt-utils

Increase WordPress Memory Limit

The following addition was made just before the “…Happy publishing” line in the wp-config.php file to enable the WordPress installation to take advantage of the additional memory.

/* Increase WP Memory limit */
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '1024M');

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */

Increase the Size of OPcache

The PHP OPcache stores the compiled versions of the PHP scripts that make up our websites. The default size of the cache is 128 MB. We’ve increased our OPcache to 512 MB to improve performance.  OPcache memory is shared across all of the WordPress sites in the host LXC container. The steps to modify the size of the OPcache are as follows:

# vi /etc/php/8.2/apache2

... Modify the following lines in the file

; The OPcache shared memory storage size.

# systemctl restart apache2

Email Access

The supplied postfix MTA did not work, so we’ve installed the WP Mail SMTP plugin and configured it to forward email through our email service.

SPF and DMARC records need to be set up for the domain. This needs to be done properly to accommodate the multiple servers that can send e-mail on behalf of our domain. The DMARC step is simple – the necessary steps can be found here. The DMARC setup for a domain can be confirmed here.

SSL Certificate

This procedure was used to set up apache2 with a signed SSL certificate – click here. It uses Certbot with Let Encrypt to obtain and install a signed SSL certificate in Apache. A DNS-01 challenge is used, which does not require an external Internet connection for Apache.

Once the initial certificates are installed, a script can be created to run the certbot commands to check if the SSL certificates need to be updated.

The final step was to schedule weekly checks for SSL certificate updates using the cron. This is done by executing the script mentioned above once a week.

Persistent Object Cache

We are using the Redis persistent object cache on our sites. Information on Redis and how to install it may be found here and here.

The following changes in each site’s wp-config.php must be made first:


/* Enable Redis cache - this line must be
   right after the opening <?php line */
define( 'WP_CACHE', true );

Then add the following to the “salt” section of wp-config.php:

/* Redis cache salt - unique for each WordPress
                      site on this host */

The WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT can be anything, but the value must be unique for each WordPress site host on the LXC.

The next step is to install the redis and the php-redis packages on the LXC as follows:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install redis-server
# apt-get install php-redis
# systemctrl restart apache2

The final step is to install the Redis Object Cache plugin on each WordPress site and use the plugin to enable the Redis cache.

Enable Gzip Compression

Gzip compression helps users with slower internet connections to have a better overall experience. This feature can be enabled as follows (more info here). First, run the following command for the LXC container to enable gzip compression for all websites.

# a2enmod deflate

Next, use a plugin in each WordPress website to enable Gzip compression in the associated .htaccess file.

With these steps done, restarting apache2 will enable compression.

# systemctl restart apache2

You can confirm that Gzip compression is working via the GiftOfSpeed web tool.

Static Browser Caching

First, install the apache2 mod_expires extension using the following command –

# a2enmod expires
# systemctl restart apache2
# apachectl -M | grep expires

Next, set the static caching expiration header to 365 days using the caching plugin installed in each WordPress site.

Setup SSH Keys

A public/private key pair is created and set up for Proxmox VE and all VMs and LXC to ensure secure SSH access. The following procedure is used to do this. Access via password should be disabled once the SSH keys are in place and working.

Add Additional Websites

Apache2 can support multiple websites using a single IP address. This is the configuration that we are using for our home lab. The following procedure explains how to set this up:

Once an additional WordPress instance is installed and an associated database is set up, the following steps should be performed:

  • The SSL certificate for the site must be pulled and installed via certbot before enabling a new website via a2ensite
  • Set the owner and group permissions for all files in the WordPress installation

WordPress Scheduler

WordPress sites need periodic visits to each site to ensure that the internal scheduler runs properly. This can be a problem early in developing a new site when there are few visitors. To address this, we’ve installed a cron job for our sites as follows –

# Modify root crontab
cd /var/spool/cron/crontabs
vi root

... Add these lines...
... The first ensures SSL cert updates...

# m h dom mon dow command
0 4 * * sun /bin/sh /root/
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/curl
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/curl
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/curl